The aim of the game is to make lines of 3 of the same colour.When playing in Classic mode.To complete the current levelMake the number of lines shownat the bottom of the screen.
When playing in Block Dropper mode.You only get points by gettingthe blocks to the bottom ofthe screen.
To play with Auto complete onSelect a tile from the grid andif it can be moved to an adjacentsquare to make a line it will beplayed for you.
To play with Auto complete offselect the start and end tiles.
You unlock bonus features bycompleting levels.You get a Bonus for everyX lines you make.You work towards a Super Bonusby creating more than 1 line ata time.]Bonus Types
Bonus gives you a random number of lines.Boost Filter gives you more of thecolours you need to complete the level.Earthquake shakes the game board.Road Works drills a line across the board.Shotgun blasts the board.Warp will apply a factor to the board.Destroyer will explode any blocks on the grid.Rainbow will arrange the grid in colour valuei.e red on the left.Remover will remove one colour.Rocket will blaze a trail vertically up the screen.Magnetize will attract all colours towards another colour.Picture will turn the grid into a random block picture.Chessboard will make a two tone checker pattern.Skip Level will complete the level.Zero will finish one colour for you.
Super Bonus Types
Raining Blocks will increase the rate at which blocks appear.Shuffle Sale will set the shuffle cost in moves to 1.Some shall pass will add to the filter.You want more will add the current levelto your moves.Go ahead jump makes you skip forward levels.Pinging in the rain adds 1 to the valueof the Ricochets
Ricochets occur when some bonus featureshit a block.
Every time you shuffle the board thecost of doing so will double.Every level you complete the cost will reduceby one.
The buttons at the bottom ofthe screen are from left to right.Shuffle,Share,Super Bonus and theMenu where you can customize your game.]In the menu you canchange the,Game Speed.Sound scheme.Board Tiles.Language.]You can switch,Announce Coordinates.speech.Sound FX.Animation.Auto Complete.On or Off.
On the start screen the level ofeyesight selected will set some in game options.All of these can be changed in the Menu.]Thank Youfor supportingWoodside Apps.We hope you enjoy the game.2014 2015
Any feedback contact us via the emailin the play store.Manual version 2.00